Raising funding confidence

across the globe

Raising funding confidence across the globe

Brands powered by our alternative funding knowledge

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Brands powered by our alternative funding knowledge

Zebras Unite
Village Capital
Founders Factory
Virgin Startup

What we offer purpose-driven businesses on their fundraising journey

Our team are experts in helping purpose-driven businesses get connected to the funding they need to thrive. Whether you're applying for grants, exploring debt & equity or raising innovative funding we can help explore the full range of options and find the right route for you.

What we offer purpose-driven businesses on their fundraising journey

Doors opening soon

A Live Funding Database which does exactly what it suggests. It’s a database jam-packed full of UK grants, awards, accelerators, or funds that’s also LIVE, so you can effortlessly access and track opportunities that fit you. PLUS, you'll be the first to get notified when new opportunities get added via our exclusive WhatsApp group.

Join the waitlist


If you are looking for an introductory course into raising funding as an impact organisation, this is for you. Identify the best next step on your fundraising journey and meet incredible purpose-led founders along the way.

Dates: 17th Sept - 5th Nov


Our first-ever focused cohort offers women and non-binary people practical, hands-on support for purpose-driven women raising mission-aligned funding all over the globe. 97% of alumni would recommend us to founder friends.

Alternative routes, like-minded community

Considered Capital gave me hope!

"I really wanted to join a community of like-minded founders building mission-driven businesses. It's just been extremely inspiring to be part of the community and learn from such brilliant founders"

- Edda Kruse Rosset, KAOSPILOT + Berlin 

Being part of this community has given me a massive confidence boost.

"I now know there are others thinking along similar lines to me and that the challenge ahead is not as insurmountable as I had feared!"

- Jamie Andrews, Squaddle

I'm in a totally different place from where I started.

"You've opened my eyes to so many approaches and possibilities that I just wasn’t aware of, and I feel far more able to make informed decisions as a result."

-Fiona Murden, Oka

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Join 4,000+ founders seeking alternative routes to funding their businesses. Get my free newsletter packed with new funding opportunities, real-life stories, and event invites.